Loosen the Verb

First of all: welcome mysterious reader – or not so mysterious, since to read this post it was necessary to register quickly. Thanks for connecting to my network, you took a minute of your time to do that. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart; we all know how hurried we are on the…

Diálogo do Movimento (2019)

Aqui, bastariam apenas onomatopeias aleatórias. Se é preciso explicar algo mais verbal, então o diálogo do movimento não estará na sua função total. No entanto, penso ser importante descrever, pelo próprio entendimento e experiência, a importância de tudo isso.   Pessoas movendo-se ao improviso, sendo estimuladas através do contato – esse que não precisa ser…

Augusta, My Yard (2017 – now)

The first thing you need to know about Augusta Street is that is divided, by the Paulista Avenue, into two sides: Jardins and Downtown. In Portuguese: Baixo Augusta (Downtown Augusta).   Baixo Augusta is where the stories happen. It is where the gatherings, strolls, parties happen. It is the hiding place, the warm up, the…

Silver Cord – (2015-2016)

Visible light is energy that allows us to comprehend everything that surrounds us. However, if we close our eyes will still be possible to see, but through another kind of energy. The dark has the power to transform a tiny ambient into a huge place, create histories, recall memories, solve problems and invent solutions. Our…