Hello my dear reader! First of all, thanks for visiting and welcome!
This quick reading is also an appeal to those who read here and have not yet registered on the site: please do. In this way I will understand that you have in fact browsed these pages, without haste, to know a little more about my work and also about this artist who writes for you. In addition to contributing to the slowdown that I try to occupy on the internet. Something that goes beyond getting down endless feeds.
With the registration you will have access to all Nude and Body photo sessions, also guaranteeing me a certain protection and control of my photographed darlings who were in front of my lenses. Without these people who trusted me and my work, I would be nothing. Thank you very much for the wonderful exchanges.
Both the Essays and this Blog will be updated with a random frequency and the contents will be diverse, from crazy breezes to deep reflections that go through me, generally related to the subjects I like to photograph and study.
Possibly there will be Open Posts like this, which means that when a post is restricted to those who have registered, it will be for reasons of nudity or some content/material that I consider interesting to share with those who are part of this group – which is exactly what I intend to assemble here: a group (study??) of people interested in the fantastic world of images, symbols and bodies that we inhabit.
Best Regards! And thanks for the this hand.
Free translation with Google Translate.